All the Points
Looking for Point-ers? We've got you covered
L3X Network offers significant rewards, which include L3X, Eigen Layer, and Renzo points. A breakdown of the distribution model is outlined below:
Stables, such as USDC, USDT, and DAI earn 250 points per hour, for every $1,000 staked
Partner Stables, such as sFRAX and stUSD, earn 300 points per hour, for every $1,000 staked
LRT ETH equivalents, including sfrxETH, and ezETH earn 1,000 points per hour, for every 1 ETH staked
Here are the rules: Staking accrues points as outlined above. Any unstake event, no matter the amount, results in a total loss of all points. If there is any remaining balance, points will begin to accrue anew based on the remaining staked balance. ex: John has $10k staked and 100k points. He unstakes $1k. His points reset to 0 and he starts accruing new points based on his $9k staked.
If you are an influencer, marketer, or potential partner, please contact us for additional opportunities for higher referral tiers, token allocation options for your community, and other exclusive possibilities.
NOTE: On Friday, June 21st, 2024 1PM CST there was a points snapshot. Points from before the snapshot were preserved, and any points earned post-snapshot are subject to the new rules outlined above.
Last updated